Pepper & Murphys

An Australian pet care and products brand looking to revamp their digital business to maximize sales conversion could benefit from a UX design process that helps them understand the needs and motivations of their customers and create a user-friendly platform that meets those needs. Here is an example of how a UX case study for such a project might be structured:

Title: “Designing a User-Friendly Pet Care and Products Platform for Increased Sales Conversion”


  • The client is an Australian pet care and products brand that wants to revamp their digital business to maximize sales conversion.
  • The goal is to create a user-friendly platform that makes it easy for customers to learn about and purchase the brand’s products, and that increases the likelihood of conversion.

Design Process:

  • Research: Conducted interviews with potential customers to understand their needs and motivations for purchasing pet care and products online.
  • Ideation: Developed several concept sketches and wireframes for the platform, focusing on features that would educate customers about the brand’s products and facilitate the purchasing process.
  • Prototyping: Created a low-fidelity prototype of the platform using a prototyping tool, and conducted usability testing with a small group of potential customers to gather feedback and iterate on the design.
  • Visual design: Developed a visual design that conveyed a sense of professionalism and expertise, and created a style guide to ensure consistency across all screens.
  • Development: Worked closely with the development team to ensure that the design was implemented accurately and efficiently, including integration with payment systems and other relevant technologies.


  • The pet care and products platform was successfully launched and gained a significant user base within the first few months.
  • Customers reported being able to easily learn about and purchase the brand’s products, and many reported a high level of satisfaction with the purchasing process.
  • The client saw an increase in sales conversion as a result of the revamp.


  • The design process for the pet care and products platform focused on creating a user-friendly platform that educated customers about the brand’s products and facilitated the purchasing process.
  • The resulting platform was well-received by customers and successfully achieved the client’s goals.
  • The UX design process, including research, prototyping, and usability testing, was crucial to the success of the platform.

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